Responsibility Name Term Expiring
President Marc DeLuca 2026
Vice President TBD
Treasurer Nick Reskusic 2025
Asst Treasurer John Grossmann 2025
Registrar Allison Viola 2026
Secretary Todd Robyak 2025
James Berry 2025
Gina Steber 2025
Kristin Fitzgerald 2025
Amy Knobl 2026
Nik Karnik 2026
Mike Nicholas 2026
Kelsey Thompson 2025

Board Meetings

In accordance with the by-laws, meetings of the Board are held on a monthly basis year round. Additional meetings are scheduled as necessary. Board members are elected to two-year terms at the Annual Meeting in the fall. For information about the next Board meeting, or if you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact any member of our Board. All meetings other than executive sessions are open to the Shareholders and notices of dates and times will be posted. Please see the events calendar. We encourage active participation of all members.

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By Laws as updated in 2024

Code of Conduct for Coaches and Volunteers

Messages to PHRA Board members can be sent to

Messages for share sales, wait list or other registrar questions can be sent to