No. While PHRA was created by local homeowners, and there are a number of neighborhood associations surrounding it, it is not part of any neighborhood association. Owning a home in the local area near PHRA does not qualify you to become an immediate member of PHRA.

Membership applies to a residence (address) and can be obtained by purchasing a share in PHRA or by a ‘Rental’. All people living at that address should be included in the membership and must be paid for each season the membership is active.

The by-laws limit the number of shares of the corporation, and the Board of Directors has authorized the issuance of 335 shares. There are also a limited number of rentals available each year. The number of rentals is determined by the board each year, based on pool usage.

You may join PHRA either by purchasing a share or ‘renting’ one. Someone wishing to purchase a share may only purchase a share from the corporation, and only if one of the 335 shares is available.

There are also rentals available each year. At this time there is a waiting list to either purchase or rent a share in PHRA. If you would like to
place your name on a waiting list to purchase or rent a share, please visit our Membership page and submit your request to add your name to the PHRA waiting list.

If there are rentals available, applicants on the list will receive an email message with an application form in the early Spring. Complete this form as soon as possible and mail it with your check to the address on the form. Applications for rentals are accepted on a first come first served basis.

If your name is on the list to purchase a share and one becomes available, you will be contacted by the registrar. You will have 7 days to respond, or the share will be offered to the next person on the list.

Shares can be transferred with the sale of a home or transferred to a family member living in the area. Except in these two circumstances, shares must be sold only to the Association.

All family members of renter or shareholder families may use all of the facilities of PHRA, including tennis, swimming, and any PHRA athletic teams, parties, etc., assuming the proper dues have been paid.


  • Buy a share of the PHRA corporation, and therefore own a financial interest (which may increase or decrease).
  • Can serve on the PHRA Board of Directors after owning the share for at least one year.
  • Can vote on issues brought to the membership by the board
  • Must remain active or pay an inactive fee or lose the share.


  • Do not have a financial interest in the PHRA corporation.
  • May not serve on the board, nor vote on issues presented to members.
  • Renters are welcome to work with the board on any issue the board may recognize.
  • Pay a rental fee each year the price of which is set annually by the PHRA Board of Directors.
  • Previous year renters are given a three-week grace period to renew their membership prior to any new renters joining the pool.
  • Renters may be placed on the waiting list to purchase a share when one becomes available.